Reduce you and your family’s risk of cancer by taking simple steps today.

Create Intentional Wellness©™ for Life

Do you have a personal or family history of cancer? Download my free e-guide to give you and your kids a better chance at life long health.

I offer research-based strategies to give your kids the best chance of preventing cancer.

I love sharing my wisdom and knowledge. Please enjoy the many articles below covering topics including Parenting, Love, Serenity, Purpose, and Survivorship. For a one-on-one personal consultation, contact me today.

Books and Publications

“A Day of Surprises”

Haley and Matthew live on a farm and are surprised one day when they are asked to care for their aunt’s puppy while she recovers from being sick in the hospital. They learn how to not only take care of the puppy but also how they too can stay healthy and strong. It is one of many surprises that day!

Contributing Author to Short Sweet & Sacred

Volume I

Through this inspirational and authentic collection of international stories, you will gain insight from soulful professionals who have discovered their dream careers, found courage after divorce, walked through grief, enjoyed victories for minorities, navigated their mental health, found true love, jumped hurdles during parenting, experienced miraculous shifts in health and more.
Living is more than the act of keeping busy. The true act of living comes from a deeper experience within. You will discover through these stories that you can design a life that brings you joy, no matter what you may be walking through. These messages of overcoming showcase what is possible, and the beauty of having a deep connection with the Infinite”

Volume III

Do you wish you gave yourself more time to curl up with a good book? Through Short Sweet & Sacred, Volume 3, giving yourself this time is an easy “yes.” These short and powerful stories are sure to inspire you, and best of all, you will find yourself felling accomplished without committing to read an entire book to be “finished.”

You can soak in one short and sweet story at a time and one day at a time. That’s the gift of this series-it fits perfectly with your on-the-go- lifestyle.

A hallmark of the Short Sweet & Sacred series is also the authenticity you will find within its pages. Each Life Coach shares openly about their ups and downs. For some of the coaches it was the longing to find purpose, to navigate sever illness, or walk through unexpected divorce.

There are a wide variety of topics covered – showcasing the multifaceted human experience.

These beautiful souls openly shares their stories with you because they know it will bring your hope. Hope that if they can change the direction of their lives, despite the challenges, so can you!


Father’s Day and Cancer Survivorship Month

Father’s Day and Cancer Survivorship Month

June is a special month first because of Father’s Day, a day to honor the important role and connection that Dad’s have  in the lives of their children and also because it is Cancer Survivorship month! One of the people that I most admire in this area is my Uncle Jack…he was found to have a Coarctation of the Aorta when he was 19 years old, in 1958, he had open heart surgery at Children’s...

The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room

This month, the Senate passed a bill for GMO Labelling, Congress passed a bill for GMO Labelling and President Obama signed the Compromise GMO Labelling Bill into Law.  What you need to know! In 2 years, GMO Labelling will become Mandatory across the country but that word Mandatory is very deceptive because companies have lots of leeway to determine how to do that.  They can write the...

Achieving Our Dreams and The Rio 2016 Olympics

Achieving Our Dreams and The Rio 2016 Olympics

The Olympics this year were so exciting and I was so proud of not only our US Olympic athletes but all the athletes that participated.  They always amaze me with their skill, amazing talents, perseverance, focus and positive attitude!! One team that really impressed me was the US Women’s Gymnastics team with “Grandma Aly and Baby Simone”.  Aly is a young woman from my hometown of...

Focus on Prevention

Focus on Prevention

“We live our life as the guardian of our genome”. -Marcus Pembrey Have you ever wondered if you could protect your children from ever having to experience cancer?  It is a good question…the answer is that there are things that WE CAN DO to protect our children from some cancers.   Can we guarantee that they will never get sick…the obvious answer is NO…but we can do things that can...

Focus on Breast Cancer Survivorship

Focus on Breast Cancer Survivorship

This month, we turn our attention not only to Breast Cancer Awareness Month but to all those who are surviving breast cancer, those who are newly diagnosed and those with metastatic disease.  It turns out that of all those with cancer, 18% have children under the age of 18!!  This month, I wanted to share with you two moms who are amazing role models for other women but, most importantly, their...

Focus on Gratitude Living the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Focus on Gratitude Living the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Gratitude is a key ingredient of good health. Each day we can find something to be grateful for, especially when we know all those who have significant life challenges or health challenges…each day that we can wake up, see, hear, get out of a nice warm bed and walk, breath fresh air, have a family that we love and share a good meal for breakfast is a gift.  This month of Thanksgiving,...

Giving Thanks for Caregivers!

Giving Thanks for Caregivers!

My mom is 80 years old and is more vibrant now than ever. She is a shining example of a Caregiver Par Excellence!!! She was married for 58 years to my dad, having gotten married when she was 20 and moved from her parents house to being married to my dad. The last 2-1/2 years of their marriage, my dad was on Home Hospice with Advanced Parkinson’s disease with progressive Parkinson’s dementia. My...

Being the Life of Good Health Champion for Kids

Being the Life of Good Health Champion for Kids

The Holiday Season is always extra busy for moms and dads.  There are special meals to plan for and make, parties to attend, gift lists to make, shopping to do, and presents to buy and wrap.  During the Holiday Season we often think of the “things” that we need to give and this can add to the stress of the season which is meant to be rich with tradition, good cheer and memory-making.  Wonder if...

Choosing Hope, Miracles, and Light

Choosing Hope, Miracles, and Light

December is a month when we can feel easily overwhelmed with all that has to happen for the Hanukkah and Christmas holiday, including, Black Friday, CyberMonday, GivingTuesday and we haven’t even tackled grocery shopping, cooking, buying presents, sending out Christmas/Holiday cards and letters, wrapping presents, decorating the tree, work parties, going to services, the list goes on and on....

Positive Steps Towards Healthy Eating: The Foundation of Good Health

Positive Steps Towards Healthy Eating: The Foundation of Good Health

Remember those days when your kids were first born and it finally hits you how tiny, vulnerable, and precious they are, I do, I remember it well and can totally relate to new parents who feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities of caring for this little baby along with the feeling that you want to do everything just right and not sure what that just right thing is! Just when I would figure...

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