Reduce you and your family’s risk of cancer by taking simple steps today.
Create Intentional Wellness©™ for Life
Do you have a personal or family history of cancer? Download my free e-guide to give you and your kids a better chance at life long health.
Create Intentional Wellness©™ for Life
Create better health for you and your kids.
Download my free guide for some direction!

I offer research-based strategies to give your kids the best chance of preventing cancer.
I love sharing my wisdom and knowledge. Please enjoy the many articles below covering topics including Parenting, Love, Serenity, Purpose, and Survivorship. For a one-on-one personal consultation, contact me today.

Books and Publications

“A Day of Surprises”

Haley and Matthew live on a farm and are surprised one day when they are asked to care for their aunt’s puppy while she recovers from being sick in the hospital. They learn how to not only take care of the puppy but also how they too can stay healthy and strong. It is one of many surprises that day!
Contributing Author to Short Sweet & Sacred
Volume I

Through this inspirational and authentic collection of international stories, you will gain insight from soulful professionals who have discovered their dream careers, found courage after divorce, walked through grief, enjoyed victories for minorities, navigated their mental health, found true love, jumped hurdles during parenting, experienced miraculous shifts in health and more.
Living is more than the act of keeping busy. The true act of living comes from a deeper experience within. You will discover through these stories that you can design a life that brings you joy, no matter what you may be walking through. These messages of overcoming showcase what is possible, and the beauty of having a deep connection with the Infinite”

Volume III

Do you wish you gave yourself more time to curl up with a good book? Through Short Sweet & Sacred, Volume 3, giving yourself this time is an easy “yes.” These short and powerful stories are sure to inspire you, and best of all, you will find yourself feeling accomplished without committing to read an entire book to be “finished.”
You can soak in one short and sweet story at a time and one day at a time. That’s the gift of this series-it fits perfectly with your on-the-go- lifestyle.
A hallmark of the Short Sweet & Sacred series is also the authenticity you will find within its pages. Each Life Coach shares openly about their ups and downs. For some of the coaches it was the longing to find purpose, to navigate severe illness, or walk through unexpected divorce.
There are a wide variety of topics covered – showcasing the multifaceted human experience.
These beautiful souls openly shares their stories with you because they know it will bring your hope. Hope that if they can change the direction of their lives, despite the challenges, so can you!

January 2025-Living with Courage: Welcoming a Brand New Baby Year for your Happiness & Joy
“Becoming a parent is signing up for a lifetime of joy…and worry, families must also contend with new challenges, …. a hyperintense culture of comparison that often leaves parents and kids feeling like they are not good enough. Parents report more stress compared to other adults”. Dr Vivek Murthy, Former US Surgeon General We have now jumped right back into a Brand-New Baby...

December 2024-Spirituality: A Sacred connection to All in this life Living from our Purpose
“Spirituality involves an awareness of a sacred connection to all creation, and a choice to embrace that connection with love” Mimi Doe, Concord, MA As a teenager, I felt that I had a strong sense of spirituality. I have no idea where this came from but had a sense of my purpose. At some point in my high school years, I began to believe that my purpose in life was to help people to help...

November 2024-Caregiver Awareness Month Giving Thanks for the Caregivers Amongst Us
“Nothing is impossible. Even the word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’ Audrey Hepburn Having worked in acute care hospital environments for many years, I have seen just about every scenario one could possibly imagine. Some have left me with experiences of remarkable role models and resilient people that live amongst us; others have left me feeling sad for the painful experiences...

October 2024: Dreaming of a World Dedicated to Breast Health
This past week I Celebrated my 50th High School Reunion with a number of my classmates. It was a Joyous occasion. A group of us planned an entire weekend event over the last 9 months to create something Fun and Memorable for all who attended. For those of you who have been to your high school reunions over the years, it is a cherished event being able to reconnect, to enjoy a meal, catch up,...

September 2024: Starting Anew
I hope that you had a fabulous August, that you were able to Rejuvenate your heart, mind and spirit and Replenish your “Spiritual Parenting Bank” and are now ready to jump right into another academic year with a new pair of eyes. Above, I share a moment I took my own advice this month and created one of several fun, relaxing moments I had with either one of my family members, friends or...

August 2024: Take a Pause, Refresh and Renew
The last few years have felt overwhelmingly challenging at times. We are part of a world on fire. A world in which the old ways of existing as a global society are dying off and there is a whole new chapter that awaits us. We have no idea what our future looks like and yet I know that these challenges are leading us to use this moment of transformation as an opportunity for us to create the...

July 2024: Intentional Wellness©™ Parenting for Life
Every year when school gets out, I have enjoyed the transition into summer. It often brings back memories of my childhood. I grew up in a small town on Cape Cod. At the beginning of every day, we would decide which beach we were going to for the day or how we were going to connect with our cousins. My aunt had a hammock in her backyard and my cousins, and I would get together for hours on end...

June 2024: Healing from Within-Celebrating Cancer Survivorship Month
Every year in June we celebrate Cancer Survivorship Month. Having worked in Acute Care Oncology as a Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist and/ or Nurse Practitioner for over 41 years, I find it is a Special Month to Celebrate the life of all those 18+ million brave and courageous people who live each day knowing that they have not only survived cancer, but they have a second chance!! This month, as...

May 2024: Honoring all mother’s during this Mother’s Day Month
Mother’s Day was May 12 this year. Ever since I became pregnant and birthed my daughter, I have thoroughly enjoyed Mother’s Day. It is a special day to honor all mother’s, the ones we have, the one’s that we are and the one’s we are yet to be!!Moms are the Life Force in our world and without Mother’s, none of us would exist. Being a Mom, has been the Best and Most Challenging Job of my life and...

April 2024: Creating a garden or yard that nourishes your mind, body and spirit
Last month we talked about Planting the seeds of your garden. I hope that you were able to think about what you would love to grow this year that is not only reasonably easy to grow but also practical in terms of time commitment. I don’t know about you, but being very busy raising my daughter, working, going to graduate school several times over the years kept me quite busy so having a garden is...
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