Reduce you and your family’s risk of cancer by taking simple steps today.

Create Intentional Wellness©™ for Life

Do you have a personal or family history of cancer? Download my free e-guide to give you and your kids a better chance at life long health.

I offer research-based strategies to give your kids the best chance of preventing cancer.

I love sharing my wisdom and knowledge. Please enjoy the many articles below covering topics including Parenting, Love, Serenity, Purpose, and Survivorship. For a one-on-one personal consultation, contact me today.

Books and Publications

“A Day of Surprises”

Haley and Matthew live on a farm and are surprised one day when they are asked to care for their aunt’s puppy while she recovers from being sick in the hospital. They learn how to not only take care of the puppy but also how they too can stay healthy and strong. It is one of many surprises that day!

Contributing Author to Short Sweet & Sacred

Volume I

Through this inspirational and authentic collection of international stories, you will gain insight from soulful professionals who have discovered their dream careers, found courage after divorce, walked through grief, enjoyed victories for minorities, navigated their mental health, found true love, jumped hurdles during parenting, experienced miraculous shifts in health and more.
Living is more than the act of keeping busy. The true act of living comes from a deeper experience within. You will discover through these stories that you can design a life that brings you joy, no matter what you may be walking through. These messages of overcoming showcase what is possible, and the beauty of having a deep connection with the Infinite”

Volume III

Do you wish you gave yourself more time to curl up with a good book? Through Short Sweet & Sacred, Volume 3, giving yourself this time is an easy “yes.” These short and powerful stories are sure to inspire you, and best of all, you will find yourself felling accomplished without committing to read an entire book to be “finished.”

You can soak in one short and sweet story at a time and one day at a time. That’s the gift of this series-it fits perfectly with your on-the-go- lifestyle.

A hallmark of the Short Sweet & Sacred series is also the authenticity you will find within its pages. Each Life Coach shares openly about their ups and downs. For some of the coaches it was the longing to find purpose, to navigate sever illness, or walk through unexpected divorce.

There are a wide variety of topics covered – showcasing the multifaceted human experience.

These beautiful souls openly shares their stories with you because they know it will bring your hope. Hope that if they can change the direction of their lives, despite the challenges, so can you!


Pancreatic, Lung, Stomach, Carcinoid and Cancer Caregiver Awareness Month

Pancreatic, Lung, Stomach, Carcinoid and Cancer Caregiver Awareness Month

September is the Granddaddy of Cancer Awareness Months!!!!  This month highlights Childhood Cancer, Mesothelioma, Gynecological Cancer, Leukemia/ Lymphoma and Mulitple Myeloma, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Thyroid Cancer!!   October is Breast and Liver Cancer Awareness Months There are so many researchers, non-profits,  and Breast Cancer Survivors who have been working for years to...

3 Tips For Setting Up Your Wish List

3 Tips For Setting Up Your Wish List

Trying to figure out what you would like "your year" to look like?  Here are 3 Tips for setting up your Wish List and sticking to it!! 1.  Brainstorm—write down all your intentions: Goals, dreams, wishes for your Best Life. Make it fun, put together a collage as a family of what you see your dream life or dream family to be. Write down your Personal Goals Write down your Professional Goals Write...

Focus on Love

Focus on Love

“Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth”  M. Scott Peck MD This is my favorite Definition of Love because it gets to the heart of what love is and is not.  It defines love on many levels:  Romantic love, Agape love,  Friendship love, etc.   It also fits well with the work of being a Parent....

Using Resources to Live the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Using Resources to Live the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Recently we heard in the news that the water in Flint, Michigan has been contaminated with lead due to a change in the water supply in an effort to save money.  While this is difficult to believe in the US, this is a good example of how we need to be more aware of our environment.  There are other situations out there, some as dramatic and some less dramatic.  As parents, we can...

National Cancer Prevention and Heart Health Month

National Cancer Prevention and Heart Health Month

With Valentine’s around the corner, February is a great month to celebrate Cancer Prevention Month and Heart Health Month, the #1 Health Issue in the US.  Many people with cancer also can develop heart disease in one form or another.   One of the best ways to keep your heart healthy and prevent cancer is through good nutrition-maintaining an “ideal body weight for you”, consistent...

5 Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Nutrition

5 Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Nutrition

One thing I have learned in my work every day working with people who have cancer is that nutrition is key!!  Our food has changed quite a bit in the last 40 years, there are many more chemicals sprayed onto the agricultural crops and these chemicals or pesticides are getting into our bodies and our kids bodies where they are creating a variety of disorders and or diseases. Diet for...

National Nutrition Month-March

National Nutrition Month-March

Welcome to March and the beginning of Spring and National Nutrition Month! This month we will continue exploring the keys to building a Life of Good Health thru W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S. WELLNESS stands for W.inning E.very L.iving day thru L.ove N.utrition E.xercise S.erenity and S.pirituality. It is the Simple Key to Lifelong Good Health! This picture is from a Farmers Market that is so much fun and...

Boston Marathon Month: Inspiration in Survival

Boston Marathon Month: Inspiration in Survival

April in Massachusetts is so exciting for many reasons…spring is arriving and new life is being birthed, the snow is beginning to depart, days are longer and beginning to get warmer…time to start planting the seeds for the years veggie garden!  One of the most fun and exciting events though is the annual Boston Marathon!!  This year was special because it was the 3rd Anniversary of the...

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

May is a special month in the year because it is the month when we celebrate Mother’s Day!  I don’t think any of us will every forget the day our kids were born…To this day, I still consider it the Best Day of my Life!!!   So, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL THE MOM’S OUT THERE-For many moms, Every Day is Mother’s Day!! What I often see in this world today, is that we Mom’s, both here in the...

Father’s Day and Cancer Survivorship Month

Father’s Day and Cancer Survivorship Month

June is a special month first because of Father’s Day, a day to honor the important role and connection that Dad’s have  in the lives of their children and also because it is Cancer Survivorship month! One of the people that I most admire in this area is my Uncle Jack…he was found to have a Coarctation of the Aorta when he was 19 years old, in 1958, he had open heart surgery at Children’s...

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