August is a wonderful month to take a deep breath and recover from the busyness of the year before the new academic year begins! I love this month, like many parents, as it is the last time for a year when we have more time as parents for ourselves and just being present with our kids. So often as our kids are growing up, there are so many activities such as homework, sports, music lessons and recitals, not to mention the responsibilities of work and life, that being a parent can seem overwhelming at sometimes. August is a great month to relax a bit more, review the year and prepare anew for the next.
Hey Moms and Dads, wouldn’t it be great if everything went smoothly? Life is rarely like that though and so in that light, I wanted to share with you a favorite book that is inspiring, full of wisdom and a true account of one man’s quest to achieve a goal which felt out of reach.

The book, as seen above, is called, “Make the Impossible Possible”. It is a gem and one that brings so much hope and can “prepare the soil of our minds and spirits” to reach for the life of our dreams! This is important because when our kids see that we have a dream and we work towards, and reach our dreams by role modeling for them, then it allows them to reach for their dreams too!!
Written by Bill Strickland, he shares how his own life growing up poor was transformed by a teacher who believed in him, mentored him and encouraged him to go to college. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and dreamed of running an Arts Job Training Program for life-challenged adults and an after school arts program for at risk youth. He had a passion for this and many could not see how this program could be funded or be manifested. Bill Strickland believed in his dream, focused on creative ways to start and maintain this school, and kept a positive and persistent attitude everyday while networking with the elite of Pittsburgh. He eventually was able to receive the funding for the Manchester Craftsman Guild and the Bidwell Training Center as CEO and founder. Bill helped to inspire kids who were living in poverty so that 90% completed high school and 85% went on to college!
Bill’s story will inspire you whether rich, poor or middle class, ill or well, because his message is universal and easily transferred into other life lessons. His basic message is that nothing is impossible if we have the courage, vision and persistence to reach for the doors to our dreams…we need to visualize it, feel it and believe in it! I hope that you enjoy this book for the wisdom it shares for our kids!!
To your Good, Better, Best Life through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.!!!!