January 2025-Living with Courage:  Welcoming a Brand New Baby Year for your Happiness & Joy 

by | Jan 30, 2025 | Purpose

  “Becoming a parent is signing up for a lifetime of joy…and worry ..today, families must also contend with new challenges, …. a hyperintense culture of  comparison that often leaves parents and kids feeling like they are not good enough.  Parents report more stress compared to other adults”.   

Dr Vivek Murthy, Former US Surgeon General 


We have now jumped right back into a Brand-New Baby Year-YIKES….2025. Have you decided what your intention for this year will be?  After reflecting, I am choosing the word Courage!  The courage to BE the person I am meant to BE.  The courage to BElieve in myself and stretch myself in ways that I have not before.  The courage to live with Intentional Wellness™, from my Passion and my Purpose. 


I have cared for many complex cancer patients, and while more are surviving their cancers today, I can tell you it is never easy.  It is life changing for many and impacts these women and men physically, emotionally and financially.  As a parent myself, I know that you know your children best and work hard every day at giving them a better life.   


As a Mom, you have been Courageous many times in your life.  The first time you ever became pregnant was a monumental step towards “courage”.  To trust that you could carry and birth this baby, take care of this one beautiful precious life that you were blessed to take care of in this lifetime.  I am sure many of you reading this will agree, It is no small task.  Being a Mom is the best and most challenging job in our lives and most of us wouldn’t trade it for the world.  We are the Mama Bears that make sure our kids are well cared for and that they are protected from harm in this chaotic world.   As a Mom, you are the Health Manager of the home and while this generation of men are truly stepping up to the plate and doing their part to help in the raising and nurturing of their children, Moms are primarily responsible for ensuring that their kids get many of their needs met.     


As Moms, you wear many hats not only in caring for your children, but many other responsibilities. Any normal day can start with your own career responsibilities which is no small task, getting your kids off to school, ensuring they get home after school, helping them with their homework, getting them to a soccer games, piano lessons, art classes, or a doctor’s appointment.  Then did I mention ensuring that you and your spouse have couples time together to continue to nurture a healthy relationship for the long term. It can all be overwhelming at times.  KUDOS to your Bravery and Courage for everything you do every day.   So, it is no wonder that parents report more stress than other adults.   


It is a tall order and a significant challenge many days.  I also know from my own experience that it is best done in a Community of Support and that is what I hope to offer anyone who wants to join in on this Brave Intentional Wellness™ Parenting Community!   


I love to empower moms and dads by taking the guess work out of what one can do thru simple action steps to help their kids to live a life filled with good, better, best health…because I know deep in my heart that IT IS Possible, when we BELIEVE It is!!  YES, our lives are meant to be Happy and Joyful and Fun!  Isn’t that what makes our lives worthwhile!  My wish for all of you is that you Live a Life of well-being, with greater health and wellness.  For those that have a personal or family history of cancer, join in with me and this courageous community so that I can help to empower you and together we can encourage each other with the strategies to prevent these cancers in the first place so you and your family and kids can do more of what you love and spend less time being sick. 


What I know for sure is that 30-50% of all cancers are preventable when we take the simple action steps needed to prevent them.  On that note, at some point in adulthood, 90% of all men and 80% of all women in the US have been exposed to one or a number of the HPV (Human Papilloma) viruses.  Which brings me to the theme for January, which is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.  You are the leaders of good health for your family, and there are simple things you can keep in mind and, when the time is right, protect yourself and your kids. Gynecological cancers of the cervix, vagina, vulva, as well as anal cancer and Head and Neck Cancer of the tongue, throat and larynx are often the result of exposure to HPV, and we now have the possibility of preventing these HPV related cancers.  There are about 200 different types that we have identified.  There are 2 that can cause 70% of all cervical cancers, HPV #16 and #18; there are another group which make up about 10-20% of cervical cancers, namely #31, 33, 35,39,45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68.  There are 2 others #6 and #11 which can cause genital warts.   There is a vaccine for this which is a gamechanger for our kid’s health called, Gardasil-9.   When given as scheduled it is about 100% effective and is now set to be given to adolescent girls and boys in 100 countries around the world!  This is transformative and has the ability to eradicate these cervical and head and neck cancers caused by these HPV viruses around the world in this century!!  That is powerful!!    


So, if you have young adolescents, 9-14 years old, discuss having your daughters and sons vaccinated with the 2-dose version at their pediatric office.  Anyone 15-45 years old can ask about the 3-vaccine series, if they have not had it already.  If you are over 45 and in a new relationship, talk to your gynecologist about getting it.   Be courageous, create that magic for yourself and your family to experience joy, happiness, creativity, inspiration and rejuvenation without the possibility of these cancers first and foremost.  I believe it is a wonderful gift you will give yourself and your kids!   


I hope you have a Joyful, Fun and Magical January!  To your good, better, best health through Intentional Wellness©™ Parenting-    

Winning Every Living day through Love, Nutrition, Exercise, Serenity &Spirituality!