Refresh, Rejuvenate, Renew
August is a wonderful month to Refresh, Rejuvenate and Renew the Spirit! It is a quieter month in the year, as many families vacation and kids have some down time before they return to the academic year. There are actually no designated “Awareness of Cancers” for this month, which is perfect! August is a great month to designate as “Awareness of Health”!! If there is one thing...

Believing that Good Health is Possible
This is a picture of my daughter when she was 5 years old and I took her to Disney World where she got to be a Princess for several days and meet Mickey Mouse who spun her around before I took this picture and Mickey helped her to feel like a Real Princess! It was one of my favorite memories with my daughter when she was growing up! It brought me back to my own childhood when I remember as...

The Secret to a Longer, Healthier Life
In keeping with the theme of Believing that Good Health is Possible, this month I wanted to share a story of a couple that I met on a nature walk I had at the Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge in Maine this week. I often go there when I am needing a space to connect with Nature and rejuvenate my spirit! As I was walking along, I met a man and his wife who were taking the same walk along...

The Art of Self-Care
So, do you remember when you children were babies? So precious!! I am sure that you remember those days…who could forget!! It is a precious time for moms, dads and babies when all of their needs are met by trying to understand their unique communications-when they are hungry, when they are wet, when they are tired? I had so many hopes and dreams for my baby then and luckily I was very tuned into...

Words of Wisdom to Ponder
As a Clinical Oncology Nurse, I have taken care of many different patients with a variety of illnesses. One of the wealthiest patients I ever took care of said something to me one time that stuck with me and I have taken as Words of Wisdom. He said, “It doesn’t matter how much money you have, it can not prevent you from getting sick. In life, there are only 3 things that are...

Identifying Challenges, Creating Solutions
As we now enter a whole new year ahead, I am excited to refocus on where we are going and share some Food For Thought! As a Mom who is raising a millenial and cares about health, education, the environment and the future, I have concerns about the direction of our global community at this moment in time…I am guessing you do too!! It is a world in transformation. There are issues, there is...

Living a Heart Centered Lifestyle
This is me having fun and enjoying a cooking class in Bali, Indonesia! I highly recommend vacationing there as the Balinese people have big smiles and warm hearts. They are very community oriented and this is a tradition that we could learn alot from. February is American Heart Health Month and for good reason! It is easy to feel that cancer is happening to everyone...

Radical Remissions
This is my new favorite book! I read it while I was on vacation and it is a gem I wanted to share with all in our Parenting Community. Did you know that there are a number of people who have had life threatening and advanced cancers who have been able to attain life long remissions? I have seen this in my own career as an Oncology Nurse/ Nurse Practitioner. However, I...

Champions for Change
This month I wanted to highlight two more people that are doing wonderful work on Nutritional and Environmental issues. As my patients have taught me so well, what we are knowingly or unknowingly exposed to in the environment or in our food and what we choose to eat for food can have a huge impact on keeping us well OR increasing our risks for cancer. Both of these women are...

Celebrating Cancer Survivorship Month and Those Making a Difference
June is a Special Month. We get to Celebrate Cancer Survivorship Month! Our world is in the process of transformation, I am sure that you have noticed and can feel it too!! There is so much energy on this planet now. It is in transition so not all of it feels comfortable but it is changing and is moving towards a new Paradigm that is even better! We are developing newer treatments to help...
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