5 Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Nutrition

5 Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Nutrition

One thing I have learned in my work every day working with people who have cancer is that nutrition is key!!  Our food has changed quite a bit in the last 40 years, there are many more chemicals sprayed onto the agricultural crops and these chemicals or pesticides are getting into our bodies and our kids bodies where they are creating a variety of disorders and or diseases. Diet for...

National Nutrition Month-March

National Nutrition Month-March

Welcome to March and the beginning of Spring and National Nutrition Month! This month we will continue exploring the keys to building a Life of Good Health thru W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S. WELLNESS stands for W.inning E.very L.iving day thru L.ove N.utrition E.xercise S.erenity and S.pirituality. It is the Simple Key to Lifelong Good Health! This picture is from a Farmers Market that is so much fun and...

Boston Marathon Month: Inspiration in Survival

Boston Marathon Month: Inspiration in Survival

April in Massachusetts is so exciting for many reasons…spring is arriving and new life is being birthed, the snow is beginning to depart, days are longer and beginning to get warmer…time to start planting the seeds for the years veggie garden!  One of the most fun and exciting events though is the annual Boston Marathon!!  This year was special because it was the 3rd Anniversary of the...

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

May is a special month in the year because it is the month when we celebrate Mother’s Day!  I don’t think any of us will every forget the day our kids were born…To this day, I still consider it the Best Day of my Life!!!   So, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL THE MOM’S OUT THERE-For many moms, Every Day is Mother’s Day!! What I often see in this world today, is that we Mom’s, both here in the...

Father’s Day and Cancer Survivorship Month

Father’s Day and Cancer Survivorship Month

June is a special month first because of Father’s Day, a day to honor the important role and connection that Dad’s have  in the lives of their children and also because it is Cancer Survivorship month! One of the people that I most admire in this area is my Uncle Jack…he was found to have a Coarctation of the Aorta when he was 19 years old, in 1958, he had open heart surgery at Children’s...

The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room

This month, the Senate passed a bill for GMO Labelling, Congress passed a bill for GMO Labelling and President Obama signed the Compromise GMO Labelling Bill into Law.  What you need to know! In 2 years, GMO Labelling will become Mandatory across the country but that word Mandatory is very deceptive because companies have lots of leeway to determine how to do that.  They can write the...

Achieving Our Dreams and The Rio 2016 Olympics

Achieving Our Dreams and The Rio 2016 Olympics

The Olympics this year were so exciting and I was so proud of not only our US Olympic athletes but all the athletes that participated.  They always amaze me with their skill, amazing talents, perseverance, focus and positive attitude!! One team that really impressed me was the US Women’s Gymnastics team with “Grandma Aly and Baby Simone”.  Aly is a young woman from my hometown of...

Focus on Prevention

Focus on Prevention

“We live our life as the guardian of our genome”. -Marcus Pembrey Have you ever wondered if you could protect your children from ever having to experience cancer?  It is a good question…the answer is that there are things that WE CAN DO to protect our children from some cancers.   Can we guarantee that they will never get sick…the obvious answer is NO…but we can do things that can...

Focus on Breast Cancer Survivorship

Focus on Breast Cancer Survivorship

This month, we turn our attention not only to Breast Cancer Awareness Month but to all those who are surviving breast cancer, those who are newly diagnosed and those with metastatic disease.  It turns out that of all those with cancer, 18% have children under the age of 18!!  This month, I wanted to share with you two moms who are amazing role models for other women but, most importantly, their...

Focus on Gratitude Living the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Focus on Gratitude Living the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Gratitude is a key ingredient of good health. Each day we can find something to be grateful for, especially when we know all those who have significant life challenges or health challenges…each day that we can wake up, see, hear, get out of a nice warm bed and walk, breath fresh air, have a family that we love and share a good meal for breakfast is a gift.  This month of Thanksgiving,...

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